Sunday, March 25, 2012

keep holding on~

"can i run away?"

"to where?"

"to a place with no expectation"

"no you can't. it does not exist"

"but i'm tired of fulfilling people's expectation.
yet it never is enough.
i'm not perfect and will never will"

"labelling yourself with negativity will just make you one.
hmm. Allah is watching you.
Allah knows what you've been through.
you believe in that, right"

"i do"

"then, that's all that matter.
Allah's expectation.
how much have you done to fulfill Allah's expectation"


"ikhlas dear,
for the sake of Allah,
for the sake of His redha,
NOT human"

"but how about those people?"

"just do your best.
hati manusia, Allah yg pegang"


"it must be ok =)"

"i’m just tired"

"then, you’re doing good.
life needs to be tiring for the believers.
keep holding on.
you can rest in.."

i know"

"it’s between you and Allah"



'Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe", and that they will not be tested?
We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true and those who are false.' 
[Al-Ankabut : 2-3] 

*to 'people', perhaps we should learn to stop putting too much expectation on other human being.
humans are imperfect.
appreciate the beauty of the imperfection. while it last.
*to 'I', it is not a time to give up
and the time will never arrive when your heart still beats.
apa khabar iman kita?


"Dan akan Kami cubakan kamu dengan keburukan dan kebaikan sebagai ujian"
[Al-Anbiya' : 35]

Kesabaran dalam kemewahan
dan kesanggupan melaksanakan kewajipan bersyukur
dan membuat kebaikan,

adalah lebih sukar
dari kesabaran dalam kesusahan,
iaitu terbalik dari apa yg dilihat dalam pandangan sekilas.

Ramai orang yg dapat bersabar apabila dilanda kesusahan,

kerana kesusahan itu telah mencetuskan dalam jiwa mereka;
daya penggembelengan tenaga,
sikap yg hati-hati,

dan kesanggupan melawan,
juga mencetuskan ingatan mereka kpd Allah,
mendorongkan mereka memohon perlindungan & pertolongan kpd Nya.

Tetapi kemewahan membuat manusia lupa, 

membuat anggota mereka kendur dan rehat,
membuat unsur2 pertahanan dlm jiwa mereka tidur dan lumpuh,
seterusnya kemewahan menyediakan peluang2 menjadi angkuh
kerana kesenangan & kelekaan dgn godaan-godaan syaitan.

[Fi zilalil Qur'an]

Mewah harta,
mewah bahagia,
mewah masa,
mewah rehat,
dan lalai?


Peringatan buat yg bercuti,
dan berita gembira buat yg diuji~

Berbahagialah kalian kerana diuji!

"Kerana Tuhanmu, maka bersabarlah"
[Muddathir : 7]

Untuk setiap air mata yg tumpah kerana dan hanya kerana Dia


  1. subhanallah.
    btapa sesungguhnya Dia itu.
    Melebihkan dlm mngurangi.
    Menyembuhkan dlm sakitperi.
    Mencintai dlm mnguji.

    Fallen in luv.
    day by day.
    Jazkillah kheir pndamping hatiku*

    byknya chentaNya bwt mu.
    buat kita.

    *peluk nadia erat2*

  2. shifa' dear,
    miss you.

    *hugs juga*

    and your words are beautiful..
    mcm awak ;)
