Saturday, May 14, 2011


Beli masa pesta buku.
Buku kedua HLOVATE yg dibeli lepas VERSUS, tahun lepas..
Buku yang best terutama utk yang sdg cari satu titik tolak, that little more push to change.
Change, for good, for better.

Ayat trademark buku ni = the man who decided to change on the 12th hour dies on the 11th.

Hmm.. sedang berfikir, kalau buku ni mampu membuka banyak hati2 peminat dia, pembaca buku dia, mesti dah bnyk saham pahala dia kann.
Dalam bookmark dia tulis, read and heed.

So to dear HLOVATE,
whoever you are, keep on writing,
May Allah bless..
Go, go!

Mama is not well.
She has hyperthyroid and hypocalcemia.
Name the signs and symptoms, she has them all.
Weight loss, headaches, irritability, myopathy..
Hot weather make it even worse, =(

Minta didoakan dia cepat sihat dan kembali seperti sediakala..
jazakillah, in advance.

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