They say there are always two sides of a coin.
Two sides of a story.
And we could not understand it, if we are not a part of it.
Even we are a part of it, there are still two sides of it.
Because we see the world from a different perspectives.
Because we are not the same, and none of us are perfect. None.
Then who is right, who is wrong?
Our prophet s.a.w said,
"Serendah-rendah ukhuwah ialah bersangka baik"
What I learn, in so many things, perhaps the key is,
to compromise..
Kita tidak tahu cerita itu dari kaca mata mereka.
Dan kita tidak pernah lebih berkuasa dari Allah untuk menghukum.
Siapa kita untuk menghukum kan?
Katakanlah "Apakah perlu Kami beritahukan kepadamu tentang orang yang paling rugi perbuatannya?"
Iaitu orang2 yang sia-sia perbuatannya di dunia sedangkan mereka mengira telah melakukan sebaik-baiknya.
Al-Kahfi 103-104
Betul sudah melakukan perkara yang betul?
Monday, May 30, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
let go
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Beli masa pesta buku.
Buku kedua HLOVATE yg dibeli lepas VERSUS, tahun lepas..
Buku yang best terutama utk yang sdg cari satu titik tolak, that little more push to change.
Change, for good, for better.
Ayat trademark buku ni = the man who decided to change on the 12th hour dies on the 11th.
Hmm.. sedang berfikir, kalau buku ni mampu membuka banyak hati2 peminat dia, pembaca buku dia, mesti dah bnyk saham pahala dia kann.
Dalam bookmark dia tulis, read and heed.
So to dear HLOVATE,
whoever you are, keep on writing,
May Allah bless..
Go, go!

Mama is not well.
She has hyperthyroid and hypocalcemia.
Name the signs and symptoms, she has them all.
Weight loss, headaches, irritability, myopathy..
Hot weather make it even worse, =(
Minta didoakan dia cepat sihat dan kembali seperti sediakala..
jazakillah, in advance.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
rojak - the unpublished posts
4 April 2011 (exam week)
Baru selesai menonton movie Kingdom Of Heaven
Hehe. Ironi.
Kalau bagi Nadia yg umur bwh 20 tahun tgk crite ni, confirm tak minat langsung cerita perang2 dan sejarah. Not at all. Bunuh2, darah2.. huhu.
Tapi sy rasa, dgn bertambahnya usia dalam tarbiyah ni, semangat untuk menjelajah sejarah sendiri meningkat bersama.
Sejarah Islam yang tidak diuar-uarkan ketika zaman sekolah.
Sejarah Islam yg menyimpan seribu satu kegemilangan.
Movie tersebut telah meninggalkan sy dgn perasaan bersemangat.. dan sayu serta sentimental dengan Al-Quds a.k.a Palestin yang satu masa dahulu kita yang punya.
Bagaimana sikap Salahuddin Al-Ayubi sehingga disegani orang Barat sendiri.
Dari movie2 perang ni juga selain sejarah Islam..
sy dapat melihat sudut sisi lelaki yg.. emm.. semangat ingin menang, selalu ingin jadi hero.. tu adalah fitrah yg mengalir dalam diri mereka sejak lahir.
Ahax. Berbeza dgn perempuan, sifatnya lebih kepada endure, and giving.
Women are from venus, men are from mars?
What man is a man who does not make the world better - Kingdom of Heaven
30 April 2011 (baru sampai KL)
*Dalam kereta, lalu depan rumah2 cantik..*
Hmm.. Balik rumah = rejuvenating, refreshing.
It makes me feel normal.
Boleh buat bnyk perkara utk org2 yg kita syg.
It does make a lot of differences.
Because every moment they also give their best to us, menunjukkan contoh terbaik.
I wish I can make the distance between Kelantan and Kuala Lumpur shorter, so that I can come back home more frequent.
After a tiring and draining week, boleh balik rumah waktu weekend, recharge, get inspired.
Or I wish in future I have a good husband.
Whom our conversation are more than just about discussing money, or the newest gadget, or cars, or tales about people.
Put that all aside,
I want your wisdom.
4 Mei 2011 (balik KB semula)
2 hari ni tengok 2 movie yang inspiring.
Movie lama, tapi baru sempat tengok.
1) A moment to remember.
It's a sad story.
I wish I can be as lovely as the wife. I envy her beauty, her qanaah (merasa cukup dgn yg ada).
One of the scene that move me is when she tried to cheer up her husband whom at the moment was broke and depressed.. picking the A card.

mase ni.. konon gedebe la..
They are both sad actually, but she made and effort..
One more scene is when her husband's hand bleed and she wiped it with the shirt she's wearing at that moment + her words "forgiving is giving your hate just a little room in your heart"
They are so very sweeet.
In a nutshell i summarize it as; love is not selfish.
2) Homeless to Harvard.
Hmm.. It gives me an insight of how drug addict affect his or her family.
It makes me understand how people from a broken family feel, their way of thinking.
How losing move a person.
How breaking free from your 'secured' zone, makes you go forward.
And power of mind, believe, capacity of brain is limitless.
=) Saya suka movie2 macam ni.
Movie on relationship. Family, friends, love.
To name a few macam one litre of tears, my sister's keeper, pursuit of happiness, remember me.
Because they are pure.
Not just suddenly dapat kahwin org kaya,
or yg baik, baik sangat VS yg jahat, jahat giler..
because life is not like that, a lot of time, it's tough, to everybody.
We will never get everything we want, things might not go as we plan.
It's about accepting flaws as it is, cheerish each moment, each person.
Despite what we received, despite how people treated us, we can always choose to be kind.
Be kind, for everybody is fighting a hard battle.
Baru selesai menonton movie Kingdom Of Heaven
Hehe. Ironi.
Kalau bagi Nadia yg umur bwh 20 tahun tgk crite ni, confirm tak minat langsung cerita perang2 dan sejarah. Not at all. Bunuh2, darah2.. huhu.
Tapi sy rasa, dgn bertambahnya usia dalam tarbiyah ni, semangat untuk menjelajah sejarah sendiri meningkat bersama.
Sejarah Islam yang tidak diuar-uarkan ketika zaman sekolah.
Sejarah Islam yg menyimpan seribu satu kegemilangan.
Movie tersebut telah meninggalkan sy dgn perasaan bersemangat.. dan sayu serta sentimental dengan Al-Quds a.k.a Palestin yang satu masa dahulu kita yang punya.
Bagaimana sikap Salahuddin Al-Ayubi sehingga disegani orang Barat sendiri.
Dari movie2 perang ni juga selain sejarah Islam..
sy dapat melihat sudut sisi lelaki yg.. emm.. semangat ingin menang, selalu ingin jadi hero.. tu adalah fitrah yg mengalir dalam diri mereka sejak lahir.
Ahax. Berbeza dgn perempuan, sifatnya lebih kepada endure, and giving.
Women are from venus, men are from mars?
What man is a man who does not make the world better - Kingdom of Heaven
30 April 2011 (baru sampai KL)
*Dalam kereta, lalu depan rumah2 cantik..*
Papa : Kadang2 manusia ni.. macam burung dalam sangkar emas. Berusaha cantikkan sangkar, bina sangkar dari emas. Tapi burung dalam tu tak dipelihara elok2. Apa nilai sangkar emas sekalipun, tapi burung dalam tu cacat, tempang, hodoh..
Bila selalu ziarah orang meninggal ni, papa rasa takde perasaan nak rumah besar2, cantik2. Sebab bila masuk kubur nanti, zero, takde nilai apa2 pun.
Hmm.. Balik rumah = rejuvenating, refreshing.
It makes me feel normal.
Boleh buat bnyk perkara utk org2 yg kita syg.
It does make a lot of differences.
Because every moment they also give their best to us, menunjukkan contoh terbaik.
I wish I can make the distance between Kelantan and Kuala Lumpur shorter, so that I can come back home more frequent.
After a tiring and draining week, boleh balik rumah waktu weekend, recharge, get inspired.
Or I wish in future I have a good husband.
Whom our conversation are more than just about discussing money, or the newest gadget, or cars, or tales about people.
Put that all aside,
I want your wisdom.
4 Mei 2011 (balik KB semula)
2 hari ni tengok 2 movie yang inspiring.
Movie lama, tapi baru sempat tengok.
1) A moment to remember.
It's a sad story.
I wish I can be as lovely as the wife. I envy her beauty, her qanaah (merasa cukup dgn yg ada).
One of the scene that move me is when she tried to cheer up her husband whom at the moment was broke and depressed.. picking the A card.

mase ni.. konon gedebe la..
They are both sad actually, but she made and effort..
One more scene is when her husband's hand bleed and she wiped it with the shirt she's wearing at that moment + her words "forgiving is giving your hate just a little room in your heart"
They are so very sweeet.
In a nutshell i summarize it as; love is not selfish.
2) Homeless to Harvard.
Hmm.. It gives me an insight of how drug addict affect his or her family.
It makes me understand how people from a broken family feel, their way of thinking.
How losing move a person.
How breaking free from your 'secured' zone, makes you go forward.
And power of mind, believe, capacity of brain is limitless.
=) Saya suka movie2 macam ni.
Movie on relationship. Family, friends, love.
To name a few macam one litre of tears, my sister's keeper, pursuit of happiness, remember me.
Because they are pure.
Not just suddenly dapat kahwin org kaya,
or yg baik, baik sangat VS yg jahat, jahat giler..
because life is not like that, a lot of time, it's tough, to everybody.
We will never get everything we want, things might not go as we plan.
It's about accepting flaws as it is, cheerish each moment, each person.
Despite what we received, despite how people treated us, we can always choose to be kind.
Be kind, for everybody is fighting a hard battle.
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