Quite much happen since i move to this lovely Plaza Rah. (haha, note, lovely~)
Last week i suddenly received a news that I get a room at K1. I actually didn't apply for it. But I have a strong feeling, my mum did it, when she came to the office last semester. She was worried that the environment here will not be condusive for me to study, perhaps. But, i'ts the opposite actually. So, i decided to just stay, not moving to K1.
And I bet she'll be suprised knowing that her daughter had mopped the house for three weekends in a row already; which i never did at home. Haha. So rajin. It's an instinct, maybe. I also don't have to face dirty toilet back at K1 anymore. So happy to be in this house, managing quite a big space rather than just a room. But, money-wise i still can't manage it well. Been spending quite a lot, eating here and there. Owh, one more thing, here got swimming pool~ Takbleh jogging Titiwangsa, mandi swimming pool pun ok la, exercise jugak. Hehe.
Earlier this month, I attended a talk(more of perkongsian rather than a talk) from a wife of ISA detainee. Her husband had been detained without trial for 7 years already. She was lucky to be chosen to go to Geneva, voicing out the problem, to the
world, when own country ignore it. She's inspiring. Tough, managing her life, her children, managing all, 'husbandless' for
7 years. After all, 'berani kerana benar'. ISA system is totally wrong. A person is not guilty, untill proven guilty. Although I didn't take law, but I know for sure, that we can't punish a person, until he was proven guilty. 7 years punishment for things that is not our fault, that is totally not right. May justice gain it's reign, some fine day, Insya Allah.
And last week, i watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! Novels that i read since 13. Now i'm 20. Hehe. Nice2. For me, the movie is well-done!
Well, module Blood and Lymph had come to it's last week. This module require a lot of finger prick, blood and blood everywhere. To be honest, I used to be afraid of blood, because for me, blood = pain. But, gradually, that feeling had fade. It's not painful pun prick2 ni. I don't know, I haven't watch a labour yet, where blood splash like tap water. Hmm2..~
All the respect to all mums in the world, *wondering how will I do that one day*
I've met my buddy too ^-^. Her name is Nadiah. I call her Nadiah. Quite weird calling other person, my own name. Smoge dye gembira menjadi buddy sy.. (apekah?). Kalo dye terbaca ni, study rajen2 yerh. Chayok2!
I wish I can write more 'bermanfaat' stuff in here. Nantilah bila dpt broadband balik.
For now, just want to share a phrase. "Janji butuh realisasi". When we were born, we had made the biggest promise in our life. Syahadah. Have we done enough to be an obedient servant to Him?
I like this sentence said by a colleague of mine, "Kita pergi kuliah, dgr lecture, blk, smayang, bace Qur'an, tido, hari2.. rase2, dah cukup ke utk kita masuk syurga?". Sedangkan sahabat2 Rasulullah berjihad, sampai mati syahid. Bersedekah seluruh harta sampai masa nak kafankan pun x cukup kain.
Bila bukak almari, nampak baju bertimbun2, kasut tsusun2, beg2 bgantung2, kte patut rase segan lah. Segan saudara2 kita yg nun di bumi sana, ade yg menyeret selipar same je setahun, ataupun takde duit langsung nak beli selipar. Segan, Saidina Umar, masa jd khalifah, pakai baju sehelai je.
Saidina Umar Al-Khattab berkata, “Kami dimuliakan dengan Islam. Maka sesiapa yang mencari pendekatan lain untuk menjadi mulia, dia akan dihina oleh Allah.” Dalam sirah kehidupan Umar al-Khattab, beliau hanya mempunyai sehelai jubah sepanjang menjadi Amiirul Mukminiin. Beliau seorang yang tinggi lampai, apabila memakai jubah labuhnya menutupi lutut. Anaknya Abdullah bin Umar tidak sampai hati melihatnya. Lalu dipotongnya dan diminta supaya disambung supaya jubah itu menjadi lebih labuh. Ketika berkhutbah, beliau naik ke atas mimbar dan menyeru, “Ittaqullaah (Bertaqwalah kepada Allah)”
Dan Umar hanya memiliki sehelai jubah itu. Dia membasuhnya sekali seminggu, dibasuhnya malam, dipakai semula pada waktu Subuh. Lama-kelamaan, jubah itu koyak, lalu ditampungnya. Sehingga akhirnya beliau memakai jubah yang bertampung 12. Lihatlah tampungan yang ada di baju Khalifah ‘Umar bin al-Khattab r.a., namun jiwa rakyatnya tidak pernah berlubang seperti bajunya. Amanah dan keadilan meliputi pemerintahannya. Sekalipun pakaiannya hanya dari kain murahan, tetapi keadilannya tidak dapat dibeli dengan apa-apa harga pun.
Kerana pada hakikatnya, "
pakaian taqwa, itulah yang terbaik" (Al-Aaraf : ayat 26).
Kita, sehebat manakah untuk bermewah2 dengan harta yang dimiliki?
Mulia kita kerana Islam.
Mulia kita kerana takwa.
Bukan brand, bukan harga, bukan kuantiti.Nasihat kepada diri sendiri juga.
Bersederhanalah dan bersyukurlah =)
Sekian saja.
Mari kumpul harta akhirat!