Skarang ni tgh duk kat surau, tunggu flight balik kelate.. kul 7.40..
Mase ni baru kul 4.45..
3 jam lagih.. rase cam lambat je jarum jam tu nak gerak..
Sngt lame.. dah tak saba nak sampai rumah!
Blog ni dah lame tak update..
Ari tu ade bace artikel kat paper,
Dye kate, blogger kena komited, update ngan kerap..
Haha.. sy bukanlah blogger yang baek..
dan sy juga tak bercita2 untuk menjadi blogger yang baek..
Banyak sebnanye citer2 tertangguh nak tulis kat cni..
Nanti lah.. apebila rajin!
*Kota Bharu, beberapa jam lagi ;)*
Friday, January 30, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
*amaran : jangan membaca jika sibuk, ia akan membazir masa anda*
nak jawab tag dari madi..
5 things in my bag
1. a bottle of chewing gum Extra
2. tisu bekas lap mulut + nk wat buang chewing gum
3. wallet
4. files + lecture notes in it
5. little dust and sand at the bottom of my bags
5 things in my wallet
1. atm cards
2. p licence
3. ic (yg ade org kate "muka awk ms kecik x kiut lasung")
4. new RM50 note that i resist to use (sbab dye baru)
5. love shaped RM1 note that i'll keep for as long as it does not degrade..

5 favourite things
1. my qur'an tafsir
2. driving.. 'derat'ing
3. that particular smile
4. being on my way home.. and being home
5. my laptop and all things in it (a.k.a boifren sy, mnurut pandangan mazhab ira, siti dan sekutu2 mereka)
5 things yang ingin dilakukan
1. to be RAJIN and istiqamahly motivated
2. travelling around the world
3. witnessing the meteor shower
4. being under trees full of blooming sakura
5. searching mardhatillah in everything i do
5 things yang sering dilakukan
1. sleeping
2. reading
3. learning
4. onlining
5. fikiring ble nak kawen.. haha
sy tatau lah nak tag sape..
nak jawab tag dari madi..
5 things in my bag
1. a bottle of chewing gum Extra
2. tisu bekas lap mulut + nk wat buang chewing gum
3. wallet
4. files + lecture notes in it
5. little dust and sand at the bottom of my bags
5 things in my wallet
1. atm cards
2. p licence
3. ic (yg ade org kate "muka awk ms kecik x kiut lasung")
4. new RM50 note that i resist to use (sbab dye baru)
5. love shaped RM1 note that i'll keep for as long as it does not degrade..

5 favourite things
1. my qur'an tafsir
2. driving.. 'derat'ing
3. that particular smile
4. being on my way home.. and being home
5. my laptop and all things in it (a.k.a boifren sy, mnurut pandangan mazhab ira, siti dan sekutu2 mereka)
5 things yang ingin dilakukan
1. to be RAJIN and istiqamahly motivated
2. travelling around the world
3. witnessing the meteor shower
4. being under trees full of blooming sakura
5. searching mardhatillah in everything i do
5 things yang sering dilakukan
1. sleeping
2. reading
3. learning
4. onlining
5. fikiring ble nak kawen.. haha
sy tatau lah nak tag sape..
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Untukmu Palestin
It's been merely a week since the newest attack of Israeli to Gaza, Palestin.
Up to this moment, at least 400+ Palestinian have been killed while more than 2000+ were wounded. And the numbers will keep growing.
Put us in their shoes,
living with VERY limited medical aids and foods..
no homes for shelters.. no love ones to hold to..
sleeping everyday with a question will there be tomorrow for them..
How does it really feel, only they know..
Universities and mosques are being targeted and attacked by the the Israeli with a very lame reason "these are the terrorist infrastuctures", claiming these essential buildings are where Hamas hide their weapons.
And people around the world are protesting, demonstrating,
even thousands of the Israeli join the rally at their own Israel..
Those BIG talkers are too proud to bother, saying,
“This recent outburst of violence was instigated by Hamas — a Palestinian terrorist group supported by Iran and Syria that calls for Israel’s destruction,” Mr Bush said.
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, speaking in Paris, rejected calls for a humanitarian ceasefire. “There is no humanitarian crisis” in Gaza, she said, “and therefore there is no need for a humanitarian truce”.
What will stop the war?
Of course, no more 'perjanjian damai'..
Agreements which does not bring even the slightiest positive changes.
60 years of Naqbah..
The inhuman, cruel Zionism mission.. holocaust?
The ignorance and cowardness of other Muslim countries.. and us..
Till when..?
Till when...
Kemenangan itu pasti akan tiba jua satu hari nanti.
Bila dan bagaimana, tertakluk kepada usaha yg kita lakukan hari ini.
Dear everybody, keep fighting.
May us live in victory or die as syuhadaa'.
Show that we care..
Prove that they are never alone.
*Some nice articles here here and here*
and little promotion of "Untukmu Palestin" =)
Up to this moment, at least 400+ Palestinian have been killed while more than 2000+ were wounded. And the numbers will keep growing.
Put us in their shoes,
living with VERY limited medical aids and foods..
no homes for shelters.. no love ones to hold to..
sleeping everyday with a question will there be tomorrow for them..
How does it really feel, only they know..
Universities and mosques are being targeted and attacked by the the Israeli with a very lame reason "these are the terrorist infrastuctures", claiming these essential buildings are where Hamas hide their weapons.
And people around the world are protesting, demonstrating,
even thousands of the Israeli join the rally at their own Israel..
Those BIG talkers are too proud to bother, saying,
“This recent outburst of violence was instigated by Hamas — a Palestinian terrorist group supported by Iran and Syria that calls for Israel’s destruction,” Mr Bush said.
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, speaking in Paris, rejected calls for a humanitarian ceasefire. “There is no humanitarian crisis” in Gaza, she said, “and therefore there is no need for a humanitarian truce”.
What will stop the war?
Of course, no more 'perjanjian damai'..
Agreements which does not bring even the slightiest positive changes.
60 years of Naqbah..
The inhuman, cruel Zionism mission.. holocaust?
The ignorance and cowardness of other Muslim countries.. and us..
Till when..?
Till when...
Maksud sebuah hadith sahih riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim:
"Tidak akan berlaku kiamat sehinggalah orang-umat Islam berperang dengan orang-orang Yahudi (di sebuah tempat). Orang-umat Islam akan membunuh mereka beramai-ramai sehinggakan apabila mereka bersembunyi di sebalik batu dan pokok, tiba-tiba pokok-pokok dan batu-batu itu bersuara menjerit memanggil umat Islam agar membunuh orang-orang Yahudi itu, kecuali pokok 'Gharqad', kerana ia adalah pokok Yahudi".
Kemenangan itu pasti akan tiba jua satu hari nanti.
Bila dan bagaimana, tertakluk kepada usaha yg kita lakukan hari ini.
Dear everybody, keep fighting.
May us live in victory or die as syuhadaa'.
Show that we care..
Prove that they are never alone.
*Some nice articles here here and here*
and little promotion of "Untukmu Palestin" =)
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